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Friday, July 6, 2012
Anonymous said...
I read that bullshit in the times too. It was all garbage and lies. They need to get their facts straight before printing that rag.
July 6, 2012 at 2:43 PM
- Moderator said...
Shoddy reporting can be very dangerous and can hamper/delay resources that are desperately needed. Pam should have known better and should have checked all of the facts before publishing ANYTHING!
July 6, 2012 at 4:11 PM
Tired Of The BS! said...
The real heroes are the Guardsmen delivering water, the firemen warning of additional storms, the neighbors and communities sharing and surviving on their own. The real heroes are the store owners like Bobby Ervine and girls like Sandy Shinaberry, Francine Lambert, Veronica Mallow operating on pad and pen in a smoldering hot store just taking care of their community! Those are real heroes! Not the county commission that did nothing! Not the Emergency (mis)management team that just gets drunk and crashes the county's cars into rocks. Pam Pritt can stuff her feel good tales up her nose. The county was and is in desperation with many, many suffering! The feel good stories and pats on the backs were premature and Pam's "reporting" was off the mark and absolutely inaccurate in every way imaginable. Pam needs to resign her post and go back to school to learn to be a real writer!
July 6, 2012 at 6:56 PM
Anonymous said...
I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Shawn Dunbrack and Sheriff David Jonese botha have done a wonderful job. Their leadership has gotten this county the food, water, showers and in some cases generators needed. I know for a fact it was the Sheriff who contacted the Board of Ed to ask for food. He also had contact with Henry's who donated food items. He spoke with Senior Citizens director John Simmons to arrange for the food to be cooked and delivered to shut-ins. He has worked tirelessly with other volunteers as well. Blair at the Pretty Penny in Hillsboro has gone above and beyond to help her community. If you have no personal involement in these activities I doubt you know who is responsible for the coordination of every effort that has been made. Deputies have worked around the clock to provide for our county. Checks on the elderly are onging. The ladies at the Senior Center in Green Bank deserve a huge THANK YOU for standing in that hot kitchen preparing three meals a day. There are so many people throughout the county that have volunteered and participated that deserve that same big THANK YOU! I think we've come together to help and support each other and that is what 'community' is all about.
July 7, 2012 at 1:59 PM
- arbowail said...
The Lady Pritt just can`t help herself...Her first love is to defend and prop up the old guard that has managed consistently to put the county behind the 8 ball..they have kept out anything that would improve conditions...She has to worship at the CHAMBER of Commerce High alter... Of course we need a change,but the old guard doesn`t want to go they still have some more damage to do and Pammy wants to help...Doubt it...JUST WATCH THE SHELL GAME WHEN THE LT.TOTTEN TRIAL STARTS IN A FEW WEEKS!!!If in fact it makes it to print..Or even if there is a trial.... It might be a non event,a big secret....It really is time to start removing the impediments that hold us back and often endanger us....Presently Norman Alderman is circulating a petition to remove the 3 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS for misdeeds in the handling of their jobs....When your underwear are dirty you change them,you don`t turn them inside out...I for one AM tired of the SHIT STAINS...Also in NOVEMBER LET`S vote out CHIEF RUN A MUCK...The CHIEF and LT.TOTTEN have done enough...So come to the next COMMISSION meeting and vent your anger on those DUDS and then find NORMAN AND SIGN THE PETITION OF REMOVAL...We really have options...Later we can turn on the LADY PRITT and her out of touch Newspaper like a pack of DOGS...
July 7, 2012 at 2:08 PM
- arbowail said...
DOUBT the old guard wants to hang on????Just look at Kathy Beverage she can`t except losing last May in the primary...She has the guts[please excuse the pun],to run as a write in candidate...So much for the. will of the people...Poor KATH she just can`t take a hint....The voters just wanted a clean pair of underwear...No!!!SHIT STAINS!!!!why can`t she grasp that???We don`t want her anymore...Sounds simple doesn`t????
July 7, 2012 at 2:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Run a Muck only did things to garner votes. He NEVER helps out unless it is to his benefit. Don't be hoodwinked.
July 7, 2012 at 9:26 PM
- arbowail said...
Watched RUN A MUCK last Saturday pretty closely....His performance was really really a joke of the highest order....It can only be viewed as a campaign ploy...It was a real whistle stop....In the mean time no one was in control at the COUNTY COURT HOUSE...While RUN A MUCK was running a muck at Trents,playing Chief gas jockey,and his underlings were pissing every one off,no one was calling any shots,that could have helped us in our county wide disaster....In RUN A MUCKS defense,David Flemming who is the highest elected official was at his undisclosed location... He couldn`t be bothered to show up and do the job he was elected to...CHIEF was in campaign mode,and who knows what FLEMMING was into....The only good news was that we didn`t have a Hurricane or an"85" flood....God help us if we do, with these DUDS, NINCOMPOOPS and STUMBLE BUMS....In charge...It really is time to show the bums the door,before something much worse comes down on top of us...Sign the petition for removal of the 3 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.... For being such stupid asses ....
July 7, 2012 at 11:11 PM
Anonymous said...
I believe Run a Muck is in campaign mode too. He set up a grill at the senior center and then demanded ice from the NRAO. In a state of emergency, you CAN'T take anything you want just for a cookout. As most of you know, the seniors were already taken care of by the generosity of the NRAO who has offered 3 free meals in AC for those out of electric. I think it was a ploy from run a muck to make it look good on his part but it made him look like a butt! I was stuck in the storm when it hit in the upper end, there was a deputy sitting at the driveway of Johnny Hill's who could see several of us trying to move a tree out of the way, that deputy just sat there doing nothing. Didn't even come to tell us that the road ahead was blocked. Now, that is serving our community...NOT. Granted some of the actions were better organized then 1985 but I don't think Run A Muck can take the credit for that! As for him working with the local stores, many of us tried to get help from Henry's and they refused saying it would mess up their computer system. I guess they don't know how to use pencil and paper.
July 9, 2012 at 10:25 AM
Anonymous said...
I will tell you what, some people could be hung by a new rope and still bitch!!! Instead of complaining be grateful we did have a sheriff and a community that put the community first. There was no politics out there! I know, I was out there and I saw the sweat on many faces trying to get as many residents as possible, water, food and other relief. So shut up and be blessed that you are part of a great community that comes together, for the good of everyone!
July 10, 2012 at 9:21 PM
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I also agree that Pam Pritt is writing blindly and really, that is why I was compelled to reply to this topic.
Yes, there still is a large percentage of the northern residents that still have nothing yet, according to Pam; they're all sitting up there in the air conditioning since the day after the storm. All because of the quick reaction by our county officials.
Those heroic officials are the same ones that; when called upon to actually do their jobs, they get so "stressed out" that they get drunk, smash county vehicles and end up being "placed in (their wife's) custody".
Miss Pritt somehow missed that memo before writing her Kumbaya inducing, camp fire sitting drivel.
The World According To Pam; coming to book stores near you. Objective writing is dead in this county.